I'm not so sure that this blogging is such a good idea. While I was trying to learn all of the tricks to adding new posts, Tanner was busy coloring on his legs (yesterday it was the kitchen floor). He does look nice in green!
Hooray, it's the last soccer game and we finally remembered to bring the camera! Shelbie did great this year, and even made a goal to win one of her games.
Last friday Shelbie had crazy hair day at school. We put her hair in 10 pony tails and put a different hair bow in each one. She had a lot of fun at school that day but came home with a headache from her hair being to heavy.
On Saturday the 18th I decided to be brave and take two of the kids to the corn maze in Logan. I think that the kids had a lot of fun but it was a little stressful for mom. The things that we will do for our kids!